Clinic Protocols
1. Spacing out appointments for all surface disinfecting during the day (including floors, door handles, etc).
2. Physical distancing when possible.
3. Mandatory hand washing and sanitizing of practitioner hands between patients.
4. Mandatory hand washing and sanitizing of treatment rooms between patients.
5. Mandatory face masks for all staff.
6. Patients required to bring then own masks (or entry will be denied).
7. Patient required to bring their own blankets, slippers, and optionally pillow.
8. Patient may be accompanied by at most one person to their appointment.
Herbal Prescription Pick-up
1. Please call the clinic and let us know when you will arrive.
2. We will have the prescription waiting for you in the front office.
Patient Protocols (please observe for your appointment):
1. When you arrive in the parking lot, please wait in your vehicle and call the clinic to let us know you have arrived. 905-597-5007
a. You will be asked screening questions on the phone to asses your readiness for the appointment.
2. The staff at the clinic will register your appointment, and let you know when you can enter the clinic.
3. Please come in, sanitize your hands, sit down and wait to be called.
4. When instructed, please pre-pay for your appointment at reception and then you will be shown to your room for the treatment session.
a. For payment, we will accept credit, debit and cash (if cash, then exact change only).
5. After treatment, talk with your practitioner in the room, sanitize hands once again, and you may leave the premises.
6. Please schedule all future appointments over the phone so that we can keep our common area open for patients to enter and exit.
All of these protocols are in place to keep everyone inside the clinic safe, so we ask that you follow them as closely as possible. Although these times are challenging, coming together to keep spirits high and energy moving is one of the best ways to ensure we all come out of this change better than we were.